A Tutorial to make Paverpol Flowers by Sue Cherry
Did you ever have some rock candy as a child? Did you want some more? Sue has Rock Candy
Flowers growing in her garden. This Tutorial will teach you how to have some too! It also contains
some ideas for variations.
This project is suitable for beginners and children; however it requires some timber to be cut for the
base circle and a hole to be drilled using woodworking techniques of a jigsaw or hand saw and an
electric drill while the base circle is held in the jaws of a vice. Sue tried making this with polystyrene
but found the timber more suitable.
Through the tutorial you will learn how to use Paverpol textile hardener with various fabrics. There
are detailed step by step instructions with coloured photos to guide you. These flowers are 20cm
round however the pattern is able to be made larger of smaller as required.
Use your flowers to brighten up areas of the garden, in pots on the patio or along the entrance
Sue wanted to create a Fairy Garden for when her grandchildren visit. These Rock Candy Flowers
are the first of several exciting items Sue has planned for her Fairy Garden Essentials Collection.
The pdf pattern is copyrighted but there is no restriction on the number of flowers that the
purchaser may make to sell.
Price US$10.00